
February 14, 2017

"You Me Her," poly TV series, returns tonight for a deeper second season

Tonight (Tuesday February 14) You Me Her returns to Audience Network with the premiere episode of Season 2. It airs at 8:30 p.m. ET/PT.

As noted earlier, Season 2 moves the show beyond being a novelty comedy about a three-way relationship falling together, and into a deeper exploration of a serious, living-together polyamorous triad. It's shaping up as television's first fictional series based on polyamory as a genuine way of life. It won't be the last.

Here's the Season 2 trailer (long version):

The blurb that's going around with the trailer:

Audience Network puckishly returns the polyamory comedy "You Me Her" for its second season on Valentine's Day. It stars Greg Poehler and Rachel Blanchard as a couple whose marriage has lost its fizz and Priscilla Faia as the psychology grad student/call girl whom they invite into their relationship. In its second season they deal with the logistics of being a throuple (both in bed and out) and its impact on their circle of friends when they out themselves. It's "that universal question of 'What happens when the romantic comedy fades to black?'," says creator John Scott Shepherd. "What happens after that? You know, real life sets in."

Audience Network is available to DirecTV subscribers and on U-verse. (Tuesday, 8:30 p.m.)

US Weekly has another video from Season 2, a "kiss-me competition."

● A newspaper story about the actor who plays the guy of the three: 'You Me Her' star Greg Poehler talks TV threesome (Feb. 13, 2017):

If Hallmark had a card for the characters of You Me Her, it might read:

Roses are red, violets are blue
We both love you madly, and each other, too.

...You (like most of their friends) might be appalled. Or maybe you're thinking this is the Three's Company you always wanted.

Either way, Poehler wants you to know You Me Her is probably not what people who've never seen it might be imagining.

"It never really goes down that road of where you would expect of one guy with two women," he said in an interview last month. "Certainly, my character is enjoying it the least out of all three of them, pretty much in every episode this season."

...And then there are the small things. For instance, who drives? Who calls shotgun? In Tuesday's episode, Izzy sets her lovers straight on "couples privilege," pointing out that she and Rachel both "assumed the unicorn would ride in the back. The unicorn — that's me. The third." She ends up with the keys to the Land Rover, but it's the first of many negotiations to come. ...

You can check here for more showing up in the news in the next few days.

The show's Facebook page.



  1. Not available on Netflix yet! : ( Will keep checking, but hope you'll have an update when it is.

  2. Is it available on hulu, or amazon.

  3. Watched the first episode of the second season last night. I find it kind of fun, though I get exasperated with the three of them.

    One thing, last season they seemed pretty much figuring this out on their own. (The whole first series took place over the course of about 10 days). This one picks up about 5 minutes after the last season ends, and Emma is all of a sudden talking about couple privilege and being a unicorn. And they call themselves polyamorous several times in this half hour. I'm not sure the term was used all last season.

    These are minor quibbles. It does still feel emotionally real, and it is good, just hinted at in this episode, that the guy is less comfortable than the two women.
    This is a romcom after all.


  4. I checked Hulu and Amazon. Not on either one. Also have it bookmarked on Roku and it says not available on any of their streaming yet.


  5. As former member of a poly quad, this was pretty fun to watch last season and I am thrilled to see the show back!
