Hosted by Scott Evans and guided by Sex and Relationship Expert Shamyra
Howard, Peacock’s new Original series Couple to Throuple follows four
curious couples through the world of polyamory as they experiment with
bringing a third partner into their relationship.
Set at a remote tropical resort, the couples will meet, mingle, and date
a group of singles, many of whom are experienced in polyamory. With
three times the fun, the feelings, and drama, these relationships are
put through the ultimate test to see if they are the perfect match. At
the end of their time in paradise, the couples will decide if their
hearts have room for more than just “the one” and commit as a throuple,
go home as they arrived, or leave separately.
The 10-episode season will roll out in weekly batches of three
beginning Thursday, Feb 8. The season finale will stream separately.
By Abby Monteil
...Am I confident this horny beachside competition will bring
polyamory to the screen in a responsible way? Not exactly! Am I
intrigued? Oh, absolutely.
The newly released trailer opens with a provocative proposition from
host Scott Evans: “If you were given the chance at non-monogamy in
paradise, what would you do?”
That’s the question that awaits four “curious” couples. The
contestants consist of three seemingly straight couples, plus one
couple made up of a bisexual guy with a male partner who calls him a
Over the course of the series, the lovebirds spend a month mingling
with and dating a group of singles — “many of whom are experienced
in polyamory,” according to the official logline — at a tropical
It sounds like a recipe for unchecked chaos. But at least they have
a professional on hand: Licensed clinical social worker, sexologist,
and AASECT-certified sex expert Shamyra Howard. I can only hope that
her work will extend beyond the drama-inciting instruction she gives
in the trailer, for one half of each couple to watch their partner
hook up with a “third.”
Drama certainly ensues in any case, from contestants who grow
suspicious that their partner has been intimate with a third without
telling them to nascent throuples negotiating group decisions and
insecurities surrounding sex.
...The spectrum of polyamory is infinite, and
its ability to provide people in non-monogamous relationships
with abundant support, resources, and love is sorely
misrepresented in most mainstream media.
Hopefully the messy antics of Couple to Throuple can
introduce the concept of multiple partners to more people without
totally shitting the three-person bed.
That says it for me.
Though it’s practically a widdle baby in comparison to its peers,
Peacock has low-key become one of my favorite streaming platforms.
But I sometimes feel like it’s missing … something. The trailer for
Peacock’s newest reality show, Couple to Throuple, has
offered a possible answer.
And the answer is: UNCONTROLLABLE BONERS. Oh we’ll get to it, but
first, let’s admire that title. Couple to Throuple! Genius. It’s
alliterative, it’s suggestive, it advertises exactly what’s inside
the package. (Uncontrollable boners? I SAID WE’LL GET TO IT.)
...And like any good reality show about hot people hooking up, no
one ever changes out of their swimwear. (I shouldn’t have to explain
why this is troubling. Ask a mom.)
...What sets this series apart—uncontrollable boners aside—from the
likes of Love Island, Too Hot to Handle, and all the others
in a genre I like to call “Fuck Island,” is the participation of an
actual therapist.
...Shamyra Howard is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Certified
Sex Therapist from New Orleans who specializes in sex-positive
therapy. On
her website, Howard says, “Those who identify as straight, bisexual,
transgender, gay, lesbian, poly, pan, BDSM/Kinky, or otherwise, will
find a safe, nonjudgmental, sex positive space to discover areas in
which you would like to grow, which may or may not have anything to
do with your sexuality.” I already love her.
More reality shows should have experienced therapists on board. As
you can see in the trailer for Couple to Throuple, Howard’s
involvement actually seems to make things more compelling by pushing
the couples to interrogate their feelings and address challenges in
their relationships. ...
So could the show maybe, actually, turn out a little better than it sounds?
...unsurprisingly, insanely problematic. Unicorn hunting, couples privilege, people who haven’t done any work ahead of opening, a “therapist” who “tests” people’s jealousy, all of it. And now this horrible representation of nonmonogamy will be the new hit reality show.
● Meanwhile,
the New York Times reviews a likely new bestseller. Today (January 16) is the publication date for Molly Roden Winter’s
More: A Memoir of Open Marriage. It's getting lots of mainstream attention,
including that
long writeup in
The New Yorker three weeks ago titled
How Did Polyamory Become So Popular?In that article, writer Jennifer Wilson noted that many mainstream couples are exploring consensual non-monogamy not out of any expanded vision for the potential nature of love itself, but as a pressure release valve to keep a closed marriage from exploding. "Thereby helping to preserve the traditional institution of marriage."
This is quite at odds with the communal relationship radicalism of the original poly movement, especially the heady utopian visions that, in the 1980s and 1990s, infused the young movement with its power and zest. Instead, I commented, the pressure-relief model is "an individualistic, old-culture, community-less version of what so many of us are trying to do."
By Alexandra Alter
...“More” ...documents Winter’s often turbulent experience of open marriage — the resentment and jealousy she felt toward her husband’s girlfriends, the flashes of guilt and shame, and the challenges of juggling her obligations as a wife and mother with her pursuit of sexual and romantic fulfillment.
Winter is keenly aware that people may judge her for the behavior she describes in “More.” But she also said she felt compelled to write about her experience, in part because she felt that non-monogamy is so often depicted as something happening on the fringes, not as a lifestyle that married moms pursue.
...“More” is landing at a moment when polyamory is drifting from the margins to the mainstream. About a third of Americans surveyed in a YouGov poll in February of 2023 said they preferred some form of non-monogamy in relationships. ...
Molly Roden Winter and husband Stewart Winter
...Opening the marriage wasn’t just about doing whatever — and whoever — she wanted, she said. She had to cast off internalized sexism and her tendency to put others’ needs before her own, issues she worked through in therapy. What began as sexual thrill-seeking led unexpectedly to self-discovery.
“I thought non-monogamy was going to be all about the sex,” she said. “I thought I was going on a big sexual adventure, and it was going to be super exciting. And it was, until it wasn’t.”
To be clear: “More” is also about the sex. Winter recounts her experiments with butt plugs, fisting and anal intercourse, and catalogs her extramarital relationships — which range from brief encounters in seedy hotel rooms to romantic partnerships that last for years — in meticulous detail.
...In the early years, many of her sexual exploits proved unsatisfying. At the time, most online dating sites didn’t cater to polyamorous people, so she sometimes resorted to dating men who were cheating on their wives and girlfriends. “Not my finest hour,” she said.
...Eventually, Winter swore off men who were cheating and began seeing people who were also in open relationships, a demographic that became easier to find when online dating services added non-monogamous to their menus.
...“The bad sex taught me a lot more about what makes sex good,” Roden Winter said. “I also wanted to tell the truth about how hard it was.”
...Winter and her husband struggled with when and how to tell their sons about their arrangement, and wanted to wait until their children were mature enough to handle it. That plan failed....
“More” ends in 2018, when Winter’s boyfriend, whose wife had recently divorced him, broke up with her after she turned down his ultimatum to end her own marriage. Winter was heartbroken, but moved on, and has had other serious romances since.
She’s grown more confident that her marriage of 24 years has benefited from their outside relationships. She’s mulling another book about her open marriage — which will in part explore the surprising connections she’s formed with the “other women” in her life, including Stewart’s girlfriends and the wives of the men she dates. [Yes, metamour relations are — or can be — the great hidden treasure of polyamory. Took her long enough to find out. -Ed.]
For now, Winter is bracing herself for the impact the book will inevitably have on her and those around her — but she seemed undaunted.
“I’ve been spending a lot of my time calming everybody else down,” she said. “This doesn’t feel like something I need to be afraid of.”
After a three-year pandemic gap, Poly Living East returns to
Philadelphia February 9 - 11 at the Embassy Suites Hotel, same as
before, near the airport and a rail stop. Here are the
presentations and workshops. It's put on by the
Loving More nonprofit, which is still run by Robyn Trask and friends.
The conference's block of hotel rooms has already sold out, but you can still
get a room at the hotel's regular rate, not much higher. For the
conference itself, the regular registration price ends January 20th in
four days. After that, late registration is $26 extra. If money is a real problem, ask if any scholarship funds are left at this point.
The Polyamory Foundation donated $5,000 toward low-income registration discounts and presenter expenses.
Loving More, the visionary project that got the polyamory movement so far toward where we are today, is now 40 years old. Robyn reflected on her long history with it in a
New Year's letter. Excerpt:
It was almost twenty years ago in the fall of 2004 that I took on
the task of running Loving More Magazine, an organization with the
goal of bringing polyamory out of the shadows. Some of what I
imagined when I made the decision to save Loving More from shutting
down [at that time] has become a reality.... What has happened with
Polyamory Awareness is so much more than I imagined in 2004. ...
In 2004, most polyamorous people were closeted and lived in fear of
losing their children, jobs, and families. When you told someone
outside the community you were polyamorous, they either had no idea
what it was, thought you were part of a polygamy cult, or you had
wife-swapping key parties. It was very rare to meet someone who even
knew the term, much less had any basic understanding of what
polyamory or ethical non-monogamy was. ...
I thought it would take much longer to reach this point. This is not
to say that polyamory is completely safe or accepted. But I now know
more people who are out about their relationship choice, to
children, to family, to friends, and even to work, than those who
are closeted. While we still have a long way to go for protections
and safety, we have come very far in awareness and a world were
people can at least consider the choices. ...We have changed the
landscape of loving relationships in a truly revolutionary way!
Visionaries: Deborah Anapol and founder Ryam
Nearing |
Loving More, like so many organizations, has gone through many
transformations. In 1984 (a year after I
graduated high school), Ryam Nearing published her book
The Polyfidelity Primer and later that same year formed an
organization dedicated to non-monogamy called Polyfidelitous
Educational Productions (PEP) with a newsletter,
PEPtalk for the Polyfidelitous. PEP hosted their first
conference in 1985; in 1991 the organization became Loving More, and
in 1995 published the first
Loving More magazine issue. ...
2024 is our forty year anniversary as an organization and major
influence on polyamory/ethical non-monogamy around the world. It has
been an amazing journey and an amazing accomplishment for such a
small underfunded organization, and I am honored to have played a
role in bringing us as a community to where we are today.
The future of Loving More Nonprofit is uncertain. The
financial challenges of the pandemic, two years of no events
followed by a year of financial losses in 2022, have taken their
toll. In an effort to keep things going we closed our office and
pared down some programs. It was only through the business goodwill
we have built up over the years that the Embassy Suites offered us
an opportunity to produce Poly Living again in 2024. I have a great
relationship with the staff and was able to negotiate a contract
that, although at a higher cost than in the past, was low enough to
make it work. I honestly do not know if it will be enough to make up
the losses or enough to save this great organization. So our future,
Loving More's future, is uncertain.
What is not uncertain is what we
have accomplished. We have literally helped to change the world, and
the ripples will continue to be felt no matter what the future
holds. We should all be proud of that!
In my imagining of the future, I see another transformation of
Loving More to serve what the community has grown into, and to
foster real change in acceptance and safety for those who choose to
love more. It is exciting and I look forward to witnessing that
Robyn Trask
And still...
“History is coming at us fast right now.
The geopolitical snow globe has been well and truly
Here again is why I've been ending posts to this polyamory news site with Ukraine: I've seen many progressive movements die out
(or walk into getting wiped out) because they failed to scan the wider world
accurately and understand their position in it strategically.
We polyamorous people are a
small, weird minority of social-rule breakers. Increasingly powerful people call us a threat to society — because by living
successfully outside of their worldview, we expose its
Late night in Kiev on a piece of good news
Our freedom to choose our relationship structures, and to
speak up for ourselves about the truth of ourselves, is just
one way we depend on a free and pluralistic society that respects people's dignity to create their own lives, to access facts, and to speak of what they know.
Such a society is possible only where people have power
to govern themselves, combined with legal structures that are at least supposed to guarantee the rights of
Innovative people, communities, and societies who create
their own lives, and who insist on the democratic structures
and legal rights that enable them to do so safely,
infuriate and terrify the authoritarians who are growing in
power around the world
and in our own United States. Now with
direct mutual support.
Such rulers and would-be rulers seek to stamp out other
people's freedom to choose their lives — by intimidation,
repressive laws, inflammatory disinformation and public
incitement, abusive police power, or eventually, artillery.
For what it's worth, Polyamory in the News received more
pagereads from pre-invasion Ukraine over the years (56,400)
than from any other country in eastern Europe.
But that is only the start. For those of us born
since World War II, this is
the most consequential war of our lifetime. Because we have entered another time when calculating
fascism, at home and abroad, is rising and sees freedom and
liberalism and social tolerance as weak, degenerate,
— inviting easy pushovers. As Russia thought it saw in
Ukraine. The whole world is watching what we will do about
The coming times may require hard things of us. We don't get to choose the time and place in history
we are born into. We do get to choose how we respond to
Need a little help bucking up? Take perspective. Play this. Another version. More? Some people on the eastern front helping to hold onto an open society, a shrinking
thing in the world. Maybe your granddad did this across a trench from Hitler's troops — for you, and us,
because a world fascist movement was successfully defeated
that time, opening the way for the rest of the 20th
But the outcome didn't look good for a couple of years
there, either. Popular history remembers the 1945 victory
over the Nazis and the joyous homecoming. Less remembered
are the defeats and grim outlook from 1941 through early
Here was a country with a tragic history that had at last
begun to build, with great effort, a better society. What
made Ukraine different from any other country I had ever
seen—certainly from my own—was its spirit of constant
self-improvement, which included frank self-criticism. For
example, there’s no cult of Volodymyr Zelensky in
Ukraine—a number of Ukrainians told me that he had made
mistakes, that they’d vote against him after the war was
won. Maxim Prykupenko, a hospital director in Lviv, called
Ukraine “a free country aspiring to be better all the
time.” The Russians, he added, “are destroying a beautiful country
for no logical reason to do it. Maybe they are destroying us
just because we have a better life.”
Social attitudes in Ukraine tend traditional, rooted in a
thousand years of the Orthodox Church. But not bitterly so like
often in the US; in the last generation the ideal of modern
European civil society has become widely treasured, and social
progressivism has room to thrive. The status of women is fast
advancing, especially post-invasion (pre-invasion
article). More than 43,000 women volunteer in the armed forces,
flooding traditionally male bastions — including as
combat officers, artillery gunners, tankers, battlefield medics, and
snipers. (Intimidating video:
"Thus the Witch has Spoken".)
And in December 2022, Russia made it a crime not just to speak
for LGBT recognition, but to speak for "non-traditional sexual
relations." Pre-invasion, Russia had a visible polyamory
education and awareness movement.
Polyfolks are like one ten-thousandth of
what's at stake globally. Ukraine must have our full material backing for as long as it
takes to win their security, freedom, and future. Speak up for
Women defenders in a trench in the Donetsk region
PPS: US authoritarians (such as Sen. Ted
Cruz) are saying that allowing women in front-line roles is a
woke plot to weaken America's armed forces. Ukraine puts that
shit to bed. Do you have a relative who talks like that? Send
this video link to Vidma, who commands a mortar platoon, recounting the
story of one of their battles near Bakhmut.
Update January 2024: More than a year later Vidma
is still alive, still directing the mortar unit (now from
muddy trenches), and posting
this one's from scary minutes exposed in the open; sunrise caught
three of them out). She flaunts her
sense of humor after nearly two years of this.
Her young daughter has enlisted and
joined her in a supply role. Their lives and their society
depend on us.
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