Poly families are here to stay. "Societal Implications of Consensual Non-Monogamy." Has Feeld gone downhill? And more polyamory in the news
♥ With 2025 around the corner, browse the next 12 months of polyamory/ENM conferences, campouts, retreats, and other regional gatherings at Alan's List of Polyamory Events. Any missing? Write me at alan7388 (at) gmail.com
With the rise of polyamory, families with three or more parents are an increasingly common reality. Canadian laws are struggling to catch up.
...In 2018, along with three other lawyers, I started working on a case in which three members of a polyamorous triad wished to be registered as the parents of a baby named Clarke. In situations where a child is conceived via intercourse, as Clarke was, B.C.’s Family Law Act only recognizes a maximum of two parents, the biological mother and father, on a birth registration. If a child is conceived using assisted reproduction technology, like IVF, the law recognizes a maximum of three parents, provided they sign an agreement before conception. In the case of Clarke, his family—two biological parents and my client, a non-biological parent—all wished to be legally recognized.In practice, my client was a parent: she was engaged in daily caretaking and decision-making. The family celebrated birthdays and holidays together. She even induced lactation so she could feed Clarke. She did all the things a loving parent would do—and more—and, still, her role wasn’t recognized under the law. ...She could not qualify for paid parental leave or childcare-related tax relief. She couldn’t put Clarke on her work’s family health plan. ... Perhaps most importantly, Clarke’s own experience of his three-parent family would be denied by the world at large.The judge ruled that all three members of the triad should be registered as Clarke’s parents, which she found was in the child’s best interest. But even though the case set a provincial precedent that a child conceived through sexual intercourse can have more than two parents, the law still doesn’t say [any] children in B.C. can have three parents. ... Poly parents should not have to mount expensive, lengthy court processes just to be seen as equal to the nuclear families down the street....Right now, lawyers and advocates across Canada are revisiting the definition of parentage. In late 2020, the British Columbia Law Institute formed a committee to review who qualifies to be a parent under the province’s Family Law Act. It brought together fertility and family lawyers (including me), counsellors, doctors and representatives from B.C.’s Vital Statistics Agency (which registers births, marriages and deaths). Overall, the group recommended that parentage should be more intention-based—that the law should recognize people who are actively parenting children, even if they are not genetically related. Many family law cases involve parents who are trying to shirk their parental duties; the law should reward people who want to take on those responsibilities. ......Full judicial reform may take years, proceeding on a similar path as same-sex marriage (decades of successful individual cases, then provincial buy-in, then eventually, full legalization in 2005). In the meantime, more visibility around poly families will help to change hearts and minds. ...Catherine Wong is a family law lawyer and mediator at Saltwater Law in Vancouver.
Rachel, Kyle, Ashley and Yair are two married couples in a non-monogamous relationship. They share a house, car, dog, cat, partners and finances. They also have plans to have children together. Obstacles they've faced having to do with rights and benefits as four partners have prompted them to meet with a lawyer to get divorced from one another and create a co-habitation agreement. Watch this video to learn how they manage finances in their non-traditional relationship.
• Discussions of non-monogamy clarify and define boundaries and behaviors for all types of relationships.• Effective parenting in non-monogamous relationships is achieved through honesty and appropriate transparency.• Reimagining conventional relationships can provide healthy alternatives for marginalized communities.
Finding community and support is necessary for building a polyamorous life. Fortunately, there are more and more meetup groups, happy hours, and social organizations gathering poly people together....Also, I believe dating apps can build this community, as long as your profile is clear that’s what you’re looking for. Other social media can also help people feel validated in their experiences. My husband is active on poly Reddit, and I’m on poly Instagram.And I strongly encourage people to take well-motivated risks in sharing their decision to explore polyamory with trusted friends and family (if they feel safe). It’s important that loved ones know what you’re going through.
By Tracy SimmonsOnce considered a fringe relationship style among adults, consensual non-monogamy is gaining visibility across age groups. ... This, coupled with research showing over 20% of adults have engaged in consensual non-monogamous arrangements, raises a question for houses of worship: are they ready to address the growing acceptance of diverse relationship structures?According to many within these communities, the answer is a resounding no.“It’s so not ready,” said Kerlin Richter, a former Episcopal priest from Portland. “I think the church is still picturing freelove swingers from the 70s.”After serving her parish for seven years, she faced a year-long church investigation when she came out as polyamorous, ultimately leading to her renunciation of ordination....Though unaware of Richter’s open marriage, parishioners [had begun] confiding in her about their own non-traditional relationships. ... One congregant confessed that she feared rejection from the church if they discovered her polyamorous relationship.“I was able to offer pastoral care and counseling, but it looked like a monogamous person trying to be slightly woke,” Richter recalled....Everything shifted when Richter, at 44, fell in love with her new partner and they decided to have a baby together, with her husband’s blessing. They opted for third parent adoption and decided to raise the baby together....But her private life was now visible.Richter went to the bishop for guidance, but was told she needed to either renounce her order or return to monogamy.In 2023, she was fired from her position as rector.She fought it at first, but after a year of legal battles she said she realized she couldn’t win.“I thought I’d be able to explain why the shape of my family was not sinful, why it wasn’t a violation of my marriage or my ordination vows, but there was no space for any of that to actually happen,” Richter said. ...-----------------------------...Brian G. Murphy, one of the founders of queertheology.com, said for these reasons many polyamorous clergy remain closeted.“There’s no Christian denomination that I know of that says it’s OK to be polyamorous,” he said. “They’ve got this handbook about what fidelity or commitment looks like and so to include polyamory, they’d have to reimagine all of that, then also rewrite it.”
Brian G. Murphy
...Murphy is a former Evangelical who recently converted to Judaism.For many, like Richter, his website is one of the only resources for poly people of faith. It offers programs like “Polyamory & Christianity Course” designed to support individuals at the intersection of Christianity and polyamory or open relationships and initiatives like “Poly Possibilities” — an initiative that brings together religious non-monogamous people to explore how polyamory and spirituality enrich one another.“There’s not a whole lot of places to go when wrestling with those questions,” Richter said. ...“God is already dwelling amongst us and in us and in our relationships,” he said. “You are already holy and actually it’s the church that should be knocking on your door because polyamorous people have unique insights into the divine.”He continues to write about faith and polyamory in his forthcoming book, Love Beyond Monogamy: How New and Ancient Insights on Polyamory Will Enrich Your Spirituality and Sexuality, which is expected to be published in 2025. ...
With almost three in four couples on one dating app looking for threeways, here’s how to be a good ‘unicorn’ and not end up a third wheel.
"Ethical non-monogamy involves all parties consenting
to have multiple romantic or sexual relationships."
By Alice Garnett...Ethical non-monogamy is... entering the mainstream.This includes couples looking for a “third” – a practice that is often referred to as “unicorn hunting”. As a bisexual woman, I’ve stumbled upon a fair few of these profiles on online dating sites and they’ve been – for better or worse – a core facet of the procedure....Unfortunately, dating apps are littered with couples posing as only the female half of their pairing – luring bisexual women into a false sense of security. My trio of couples agree that there’s a better way to approach it: with transparency.For example, all three of our couples use a shared profile, where both partners are clearly visible. They all used Feeld, a dating app designed for people in the kink, queer and polyamorous communities. ......Moving from WhatsApp chats to an in person [three-date] is different, and as Nia puts it, “I’m always more nervous before these dates than with a standard two-person one.”During the date, couples make sure to check in with each other. Both Nia and Finn and Mac and Sarah explain that they often wait until their date makes the inevitable trip to the bar or toilet and will then seize the opportunity to “have a quick chat with my partner to make sure that we’re both into whoever we’re on a date with”.Once it’s been established that everyone is into everyone, couples must overcome the biggest hurdle of all; making the first move. “The awkward dynamics of who kisses who first just get multiplied when there’s more than two people,” says Finn. …...Mac explains: “If we all end up in bed together then, it’s more of the same – checking in, asking how each other is feeling. Sometimes we pick a safe word with the person we’re with, just in case anyone feels uncomfortable.”For couples exploring connections with other couples, chemistry becomes an interplay of four different personalities. … “When it’s all four of us, it’s less about a couple inviting an outsider and more about exploring together as equals,” Lucy explains....“There are so many weird unicorn hunters out there that we were anxious to not come across as that,” says Finn. “We weren’t seeking out a threesome for a particular reason or purpose – for example, exploring our own sexuality, spicing up the bedroom, or as a birthday present, which we’ve seen as reasons on dating apps – we were just there because we thought it would be fun. We didn’t want to make the person feel like they had to act like a diplomat and show balanced and equal affection and interest between us.”...Accepting and embracing the discomfort – and then communicating it sensitively – is crucial to the success of these encounters. In fact, even an “unsuccessful” night is likely to have yielded a helpful lesson on boundaries and expectations.... As for connections between couples, these can often lead to long-term friendships. ......When done right, these triads, throuples, threesomes, foursomes (whatever you want to call them) can be a source of love and affection and adventure. ...
By Susanna GaltonWhether they’re dropping off their children at the school gates, helping with coding or walking their mini-golden doodle on the beach, Danielle and Rich are typical modern day parents. ...
The wife rules this setup. They live in Brazil, where I have no idea if the contract is enforceable.
...“The contract includes clauses such as equal attention, where Anderson must offer the same level of affection and dedication to both of us” [says Débora, the wife, at center in pic]. “Another important point is the travel decision clause, in which I, as the primary partner, have the final say on travel destinations.
Anderson, Débora, Luiza. (Jam Press/Disclosure)
“Additionally, the contract states that he must have at least 10 sexual relations with each of us every month....If the contract is not followed, [Débora] claims a fine of £4,000 [about $5,040] for each broken rule....
As polyamory goes mainstream, longtime users of the alternative dating app are divided about its sudden success.By Josiah GogartyIn the beginning, Amsterdam’s Feeld community was small, and felt like a secret, exclusive part of the city’s queer scene. Béa would often bump into matches at parties. Now things have changed. As well as vanilla people joining the app, and horny men posing as doms, who are really “just assholes”, Béa says, there’s been a surge in users that they feel are only engaging in ENM in a superficial way. ...
Béa says that the “cultural shift towards more people becoming aware of these lifestyle choices” is a great thing. But they also think that a lot of ENM-curious Feeld newbies are just using it “to try and fix something in [a] relationship that is already broken.” ... This [says Béa] gives the whole ENM world a bad name: “It means that your relationship is falling apart if you’re nonmonogamous.”
Lulu Lin Then there’s those simply trawling for threesomes. “I don’t want to ever put any shade on anyone for exploring,” Béa says, “but the [number] of straight couples I see who come on to Feeld with ‘looking for a girl for an unforgettable night’ [in their profile] ... that’s just this hetero, straight male fantasy.”...The debate around Feeld is hard to imagine happening with one of the mainstream dating apps, which function less as communities than vast school discos, with pools of people eyeing each other up and picking who to pair off with. But Feeld is different. ......Bumble, Hinge and Tinder have all added options to specify nonmonogamy on profiles in the last couple of years, while new kink and ENM dating apps, like Pure, BeeDee, Joyce, WAX and Nymph, are coming for Feeld’s users. ...
Here was a country with a tragic history that had at last begun to build, with great effort, a better society. What made Ukraine different from any other country I had ever seen—certainly from my own—was its spirit of constant self-improvement, which included frank self-criticism. For example, there’s no cult of Volodymyr Zelensky in Ukraine—a number of Ukrainians told me that he had made mistakes, that they’d vote against him after the war was won. Maxim Prykupenko, a hospital director in Lviv, called Ukraine “a free country aspiring to be better all the time.” The Russians, he added, “are destroying a beautiful country for no logical reason to do it. Maybe they are destroying us just because we have a better life.”
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It's getting this tough. "You've already lived your life — go to the front!" urge recruiting pamphlets for the fit white-haired at train station kiosks. |
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Women defenders on our world's eastern front |
Whenever people write to my office [asking why we are supporting Ukraine,] I answer, 'Google Sudetenland, 1938.' We could have stopped a murderous dictator who was bent on geographic expansion…at a relatively low cost. The result of not doing so was 55 million deaths.
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