The polyamory world is loaded with websites, discussion lists, blogs, a first-rate
podcast — we're on top of the new media. We have several how-to books, and more are coming soon. And we've been getting remarkably good notices in mainstream media, as chronicled here.
However, we have only a single print medium of our own:
Loving More magazine.
A new issue of
Loving More is just out: Issue #38, more than a year after the last one. Nominally a quarterly,
Loving More has had a spotty schedule in the last five years due to two ownership changes and a shortage of money and staff. But now the magazine seems to be getting back on track. The current issue is full of fine articles not available on the web. The next issue is nearly full already, and it's scheduled to go to the printer in July.
The Loving More organization became a nonprofit recently and will pursue grant money once its tax exemption is prepared and filed; this process is nearly complete. Meanwhile it is barely scraping by on income from its seminars and retreats (when these make money rather than lose it), subscriptions and memberships, and donations. Mostly it has been surviving on the flat-out efforts by director Robyn Trask and her partner (and board member) Jesus Garcia. They are organizing and running events, producing the magazine, handling media requests, and answering the many calls for help and advice from the public. Without Robyn in particular, Loving More would not have survived.
Now, with an active board of directors, an expanding Board of Advisors, and growing confidence among donors (including me), Loving More is looking to a strong future. It is the only credible polyamory education and support group on the horizon. It deserves and needs
your support.
For one thing, most of the positive media coverage that polyamory has gotten in the last three years — those mainstream articles and appearances that are helping clarify what we're about to your skeptical aunt in Oshkosh — have happened directly or indirectly because of Loving More's efforts.
Even in the new-media era, a print magazine is a powerful identity-building and community-building tool. It's also an essential way to distill, disseminate, and preserve our stuff. And we certainly need a nonprofit education and advocacy group. If you're reading this blog, the magazine deserves your readership and the organization deserves your donation.
Volunteers are also needed, a website expert in particular.
Some of what's in the current issue:
Sensitive advice on dealing with your unsupportive birth family, from a guy raised arch-conservative who admits he used to think with his fists.
A triad member on her experiences with proper metamour-introducing etiquette, including the cat pee crisis.
Is polyamory a prescription for planetary peace? You can make love and war, but anthropologists find that worldwide, cultures good at one tend to shun the other. Same among apes. Matriarchies in particular.
Polyamory trailblazer Deborah Anapol ruminates on what comes afterward — and on the still-elusive nature of love after all these poly years. Has our community gotten sidetracked somewhere along the way?
Group marriage and spiritual practices in the Komaja intentional community in Croatia. This community is becoming an increasing tourist destination for Western Europeans.
Multipartnering is as old as the human race — so do we threaten mundane civilization or don't we? "Polyamory is radical and new because at its core people are looking at what is real and learning to be honest about it." Yup, sounds like a threat to me.
A spiritual Tantra-teaching couple finds fun and happiness at swing conventions. Put away your stereotypes.
It's a fine afternoon's read.